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Florist Ads

Get exclusive access to thousands of florists. FGmarket offers advertising opportunities specifically targeted at florists through direct mail, text alerts, and a special newsletter from our parent company Flower Shop Network.

Text Message Ads

Advertise your deals and promotions directly to florists with our exclusive Text Message Ads! By partnering with Flower Shop Network, you will get access to their network of over 7,000 florists across the country. These premium Text Message Ads are very limited, with a 99% open rate, ensuring your deal will be seen!

Your ad will include:

  • An image – our team of experts will design it for you!
  • A short description of the deal you’re offering
  • A call to action button – external link or click to call
  • Up to three additional images for the info hub


Once the ads go out, they can be found on the information hub for 30 days after the send date. We’ll also send you analytics after your deal expires so you can see exactly how well your ad did!

Our text messages are perfectly catered to highlight your deal or promotion, putting your products or services in front of florists when they need them the most. Your deal will be seen by thousands of florists, but the value of one lifetime customer goes beyond that!

Text Ads Example. Florists receive a text with your ad. Active ads are in the info hub. Florists click on your ad to see more details about the offer.

Dashboard Ads

Advertise directly to thousands of florists with ads on our partner site, These ads display prominently throughout multiple pages of the site, and have over 6,000 daily page views from florists logging in to send and accept orders!

See a live preview >>

Example of FGM ad placement on

National Ads

  • A professionally designed ad, including a custom URL link
  • Exclusive exposure to your target audience
  • Ad appears on multiple pages throughout the website
  • 6000+ daily views by florists logging in to view and send orders
  • Limited space available

Geo Ads

  • A professionally designed ad, including a custom URL link
  • Exclusive exposure to your target audience
  • Ad appears on multiple pages throughout the website
  • Priority placement in the states of your choosing
  • Limited space available​
Examples of FGM Direct Mail Ads coming out of an envelope

Direct Mail

You get guaranteed visibility through our direct mail stuffers! Our partnership with FSN gives you access to thousands of florists, every week.

  • 100% success rate
  • We do all the work (design, print, and mail!)
  • Your company gets directly in front of florists and flower shop owners


Put your business in front of FSN member florists with our FGmarket eStuffers! 

These ads appear on the digital paystub FSN florists receive, ensuring they will be seen by every member who has paperless billing.

  • 150×150 px square ad image 
  • Designed by our team
  • Guaranteed visibility from florists
Examples of eStuffers

Ready to send your deals directly to florists?